1. The obvious
Use it as a wonderful condiment to dip your chips in. A particular favourite of ours is to fry some fresh chips smother in extra mature cheddar add some bacon pieces and grill until the cheese is oozy and molten. Then smoother in our BBQ Bonnet Mmmmmm it is making our mouths water just thinking about it.
Alternatively, for the vegetarians fry off some peppers, onions and garlic in touch of oil, add salt and pepper and toss your chips in the resultant mixture smother with BBQ Bonnet et voila a simple delicious bit of comfort food to get you through the winter months.
The winter BBQ
Even in the depth of winter (which we have not reached just yet), a BBQ is a great thing. We like using a drum BBQ as you can get it going close the lid and let your meat infuse with all of those wonderful charcoal smokey flavours (without having to freeze to death). As Hindus we don't eat beef but if you want a wonderful brisket recipe we have found this one here (which the reviews say is great) https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/1508666/texas-barbecue-brisket obviously you don't need to make the BBQ sauce as you can use our delicious sauce instead.
One that (some) in our house east is a wonderful BBQ Hunters chicken. Butterfly a chicken breast and stuff with some cheese. Roll the chicken around the cheese then wrap the chicken in some nice streaky bacon (which helps keep the cheese in and keep the chicken moist) place on a medium heated BBQ (if you have a lid close it) cook for about 10 minutes then pour some of our BBQ Bonnet over the chicken and cook for a further 10 minutes or until the chicken is cooked all the way through dousing in more BBQ Bonnet if you so wish. Once cooked smoother in some more BBQ Bonnet and serve.
With leftovers
Ever make a whole roast chicken or leg of lamb or any cut of meat really for your Sunday lunch and have leftovers? A great way to use those leftovers is to smoother in our BBQ Bonnet and make an amazing sandwich with it.
You would have noticed that this is actually 5 ways to use our BBQ Bonnet but that is just the way we roll giving you ideas and helping you make your food taste great is just what we do.